June Rossolillo
Praise Team
Jim stepped-up to share his love of music by leading our growing Praise Team, which leads us in worshiping the Glory of God on Sunday mornings. As part of his music ministry, Jim offers free guitar lessons to kids.

Bob Lomoriello
United Methodist Men

Bob Lomoriello
United Methodist Men
Bob is our warm and friendly United Methodist Men’s leader. The United Methodist Men’s small group meets monthly for fellowship, food, and Bible study.

Cheryl Marchiarullo
Music Ministry Director

Cheryl Marchiarullo
Music Ministry Director
Cheryl is an experienced and excellent pianist and vocalist. She leads our music ministry, including the Choir. She is enthusiastic about welcoming new musicians and vocalists to the music ministry.

Bill Schlegel
Head Usher

Bill Schlegel
Head Usher
Bill is our kind and knowledgeable Head Usher. He keeps our worship services running smoothly and is available to assist you with parking, restrooms, reaching the pastor, and any other needs to make you feel at home.

Bette Mure
Worship Committee

Bette Mure
Worship Committee
Bette chairs our Worship Committee and is our capable Lay Representative to the Annual Conference of the Greater New Jersey UMC. Bette expertly keeps track of the liturgical calendar so that our beautiful sanctuary is appointed appropriately to glorify God.

Margie Bickford
Church Secretary

Margie Bickford
Church Secretary
Margie is our dedicated church office’s secretary. She helps us stay connected and so much more. She is the kind and helpful voice on the phone when you call for information, prayer requests, or in times of joy, illness, or crisis.

Erich Michel
Lay Speaker

Erich Michel
Lay Speaker
Erich is Chair of our Administrative Council and, he responded to his personal call to ministry by participating in the Lay Speakers program training. For those who are interested in sharing their spiritual gifts to serve God and in the world, Erich is here to offer guidance and encouragement.
Meet Our Team
Team Bloomingdale
Together, we work joyfully to know God more, love God more and serve God more.